Supreme made an insane ping pong table for your dream hypebeast game room
But prepare to shell out several grand.

Supreme’s accessory game knows no limit in either novelty or size, and this week brings the release of an item to plan your entire room around.
The New York City streetwear brand has announced the release of its full-size ping pong table, a dream item for a hypebeast’s den. And this is no amateur’s table either, but an International Table Tennis Federation-approved field of play made in collaboration with Butterfly. We’re talking a scratch-proof and anti-skid regulation-sized table with a weight capacity of 280 pounds.
Purchasing the table won’t necessarily suggest you’re series about ping pong — you can buy a regular Butterfly table for that — but it will show that you have an impressive budget to indulge your obsessions with all things Box Logoed. The Supreme red table with branding on the net and trim should cost at least $2,000 and will, in all likelihood, release in extremely limited numbers.
Pair it with your Supreme pinball machine? A full Supreme-branded game room is slowly coming into view with the release of several key accessories over the years. Back in 2018, the brand released 100 pinball machines for a retail price of $11,000, and only 12 reportedly went on sale to the general public. A Mortal Kombat arcade machine then dropped in 2020 for the shockingly low price of $688, but once again only a dozen were made available to purchase by the masses.
Provided the Butterfly Centrefold 25 Indoor Table Tennis Table follows the same pattern, you’ll need to be as lucky as you are flush with disposable income to land one. Ostensibly, it’ll go on sale through Supreme’s website and physical stores at 11 a.m. this Thursday, December 30 — but all locations are unlikely to have it if they aren’t all listed online.
If you’re still determined to make the table yours, prepare to shell out a premium on the resale market. You can currently find one of the Mortal Kombat machines for no less than $1,200 online, although the pinball machines are even more hard to come by. No listings for the latter are currently available on the internet, and the one that used to sit inside the bar Max Fish (RIP) sold for more than $80,000 last year.