Snow Peak's outdoor kimono is the endgame of loungewear
Translation: you could get away with wearing it anywhere.
Because everything is simply better in Japan, Snow Peak is one of the most reliable sources for grail-worthy outdoor gear. Whether it's apparel or actual camping tools — like this pour-over kit I want for my actual home — the 50-year-old Japanese brand consistently puts out top quality and minimalist goods to fawn over.
You don't need to be an avid outdoorsman to appreciate what they do, nor should you feel guilty if you don't put their offerings through the rigors of nature. Perhaps I'm just saying that to myself, as I seek to justify my obsession with Snow Peak's new outdoor kimono. It's made for lounging around a campsite, but I want it just as badly to wear around the house when a more basic version would do.
A ready-for-whatever kimono — Snow Peak has upgraded its outdoor kimono for the SS20 collection by adding a quick-dry version, as well as one that's more lightweight and comes with an added utility pouch. The previous version was already fire resistant, but these new jawnz are even more equipped for situations only necessary if you're roughing it. Does that make them superfluous for loungewear? Totally, they're still too cool to resist.
Both kimonos were made in conjunction with Yamato Kimono, a brand that's been making the traditional Japanese garment for more than 100 years, and each comes in a long, boxy fit that reaches down to the toes. A clip-on buckle provides a snugger fit, and reinforced shoulders give both more durability.
The quick-dry kimono is made of breathable and stretchy Dot Air fabric and a water-repellent shell. While the lightweight version is also water-repellent, what sticks out most is the removable pouch that can be used for storage, making for a versatile piece that may inspire you to challenge the normal settings for a kimono. If it can house a bacon egg and cheese on the way back from the bodega, why not utilize it as a city dweller? The black version has the added benefit of making you look like a Sith lord, which is an aesthetic we should all strive for. (Sorry, the Sith are visually superior to the Jedi.)
Available to pre-order now — The pair of kimonos are available to pre-order right now, but only through the brand's Japanese website. Normal sales will begin Friday, which should be when they pop up on the U.S. site (if not later). With the original outdoor kimono retailing for $650 (but on sale for $325), you can expect the price to be somewhere north of there, but likely no more than $800.
Consider it an investment in a piece you cannot find anywhere else. Snow Peak is just different.