Life on Mars

A virtual tour of Mars now — and of its possible future

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With Perseverance on Mars' surface, we have the opportunity to learn more about the Red Planet than ever before.

Perseverance sent back its first color photo of Mars not long after landing.


NASA has also captured the first audio recorded on Mars. Enable sound above to hear it.

Mars may even be home to evidence of ancient life.

And there are plans to bring human life to the Red Planet in the near future.


Perseverance is our best chance to find evidence of life on Mars because of its landing site (marked here with a green dot) and equipment. The rover is tasked with finding signs of ancient life.


The presence of clay and other sediment tells scientists that Jezero Crater used to be a lake.

Signs of water also brought the Curiosity rover to Gale Crater in 2012.

NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory

Curiosity has traveled over 15 miles of rocky terrain since then.


At the start of its journey, Perseverance is sending back images of an area 2,300 miles from Curiosity's landing zone.


“Perseverance is just getting started, and already has provided some of the most iconic visuals in space exploration history."

Landers have been touching down on Mars for decades but they've seen only a small portion of the planet.


Mars exploration could be just the first step toward colonization, according to SpaceX CEO Elon Musk.

Air Company

Musk has said the first settlers on Mars could live in domed cities.


He's also warned that the first batch of Martian colonists would probably die in the process of establishing it.


Plans by the start-up Air Company to make rocket fuel from carbon dioxide could make it easier to manufacture fuel on Mars.


NASA once shared more modest concepts for a Martian base, created by the non-profit organization Case for Mars.

NASA/Case for Mars


But for now, Mars remains as uninhabitable as it was when the Viking lander sent its first images from the planet's surface.


NASA/Getty Images News/Getty Images

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