
Has your coffee addiction taught you anything about coffee?

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Coffee’s caffeine keeps us awake by blocking the binding of which molecule?

A. Adenosine

B. Dopamine

C. Serotonin

D. Cortisol


A. Adenosine. Adenosine is a broken-down version of adenosine triphosphate, a molecule that provides energy to our cells. As it breaks down, more adenosine is left over, which binds to our cells and signals our body to rest. Caffeine blocks this process, keeping us wakeful.


How many chemicals are there in coffee?

A. 200

B. 2,000

C. 40,000

D. 5


B. 2,000. The abundance of chemicals in a cup o’ Joe could explain why there’s such a variety in flavor.


True or False: The chemical sucralose, the main ingredient in the popular sugar alternative Splenda, passes through the body intact.

A. True

B. False

C. It’s complicated


B. False. Although Splenda is branded as a healthier alternative, sucralose actually breaks down and gets stored in fat cells.


What percentage of the world’s coffee supply is at risk of extinction from climate change?

A. 40 percent

B. 10 percent

C. 5 percent

D. 60 percent


D. 60 percent. This number encompasses 124 wild coffee species under constant threat from climate change.


True or False: Can pregnant women drink coffee?

A. True

B. False

C. It’s complicated


C. It’s complicated. When Inverse asked five experts, all but one said “yes,” although their answers came with major caveats. All five experts agreed that pregnant women should significantly cut down on caffeine, as some studies show it may contribute to issues like low birth weight.