Smart Snacks

8 foods that fight memory loss

You might be eating them already.


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As we age, our brains can lose steam. Everyday mental tasks can end up taking longer, and some of us will even develop cognitive diseases, like Alzheimer’s or dementia.

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But there are ways to help keep your brain sharper for longer. What you eat can have a big effect on not only the health of your body but your mind, too.

These 8 foods can help boost memory and cognition...And taste great


Research suggests this distinct-tasting allium helps keep the gut microbiome healthy — in turn, this can boost the brain’s health, too.


Garlic contains allyl sulfide, a compound that safeguards the health of the microorganisms living in our guts — the microbiome. The relationship between our microbiome and our brain is complicated, but what’s good for one is often good for the other.


Fish, particularly oily fish like mackerel, is rich in omega-3 fatty acids and vitamin D. These nutrients help our memory and cognitive abilities sharp as a pin.


Fish is a staple food of the Mediterranean diet, which has also been linked to greater cognitive function.


Berries like blueberries, strawberries, and raspberries are rich in antioxidants, another natural brain-boosting chemical.


Red and purple sweet potatoes are renowned for their antioxidants. Studies show they might also help reduce brain inflammation linked to obesity.


These root vegetables are home to a plethora of antioxidants, as well as betalain pigments.


Besides giving beets their distinct color, betalain pigments may reduce oxidative stress in the body and have anti-inflammatory properties for the brain, too.

3. Green Veggies
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No surprises here! Green vegetables and herbs have plenty of vitamins and antioxidants that keep cognitive decline at bay.


Caffeine lovers, rejoice: a daily cup of coffee (or tea) may help us focus better on cognitive tasks. Some research also suggests caffeine can help solidify new memories.

1. Dark Chocolate
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Brain-boosting antioxidants called flavonoids are found in cacao — one of the main ingredients in dark chocolate.


Give your brain a helping hand and keep this tasty, healthy treat around the house.

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