
5 pro tips to get a PS5 or Xbox Series X this holiday season

New consoles are still hard to find. Here’s how to make it easier.

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Finding an Xbox Series X or PlayStation 5 hasn’t gotten much easier since launch.

Here are 5 pro tips to help you get a new console ASAP.

5. Know which stores to check

Don’t get caught off guard when a drop happens.

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Before there’s a stock announcement, you should set up accounts at stores you’re checking and put a payment method on file. That way you’re not scrambling for your credit card at the last moment.



While you’re at it, make sure to check each store’s policies. Some may only make consoles available through a payment plan or bundle.

4. Buy direct

Skip the bots and buy your console right from the source.

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PlayStation Direct requires you to log in with your PSN ID to purchase a PS5, which makes it tougher for scalpers to snag them.

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Buying an Xbox Series X or S from Microsoft All Access means signing up for a payment plan. That may turn some people off, but it also turns away resellers.

3. Follow the right Twitter accounts

You can use Twitter for more than just arguing with strangers.

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Follow these accounts for in-stock tips:






Keep in mind that hundreds of thousands of people follow these accounts, so you’ll have to act the second you see a console pop up.

2. Use stock alert sites and Discord servers

There are plenty of options for crowdsourcing stock alerts.


Some websites and Discord servers give you instant notifications when consoles are in stock, and tips from other users can help you decide where to focus.


1. OctoShop

Like a stock alert site, OctoShop lets you set an alert for when new consoles are in stock but in a handy browser extension.

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OctoShop has the edge over other methods for being easy to set up and giving instant alerts. Anecdotally, I scored an Xbox Series X within a few days of installing it, so it gets my recommendation.