Mind and Body

5 strategies to help you beat the procrastination monster

by JoAnna Wendel
Originally Published: 


Everyone procrastinates sometimes. It’s easier to let our future selves deal with an impending deadline.


But chronic procrastination can lead to anxiety, chronic stress, and less physical activity.


Forgive yourself. Procrastination can lead to self-blame, self-loathing, and guilt, further hampering your ability to stay productive.

Here are 5 strategies to help you beat procrastination.


1. Break down the task into small steps. Instead of thinking of the entire task, ask yourself “if I were to complete this task, what would I do next?”


2. Commit to a task for just five minutes. Sometimes we procrastinate because we think a task might take a long time, but starting with a small time commitment can help.


In five minutes, “you're suddenly in the zone and the momentum will push you to continue and eventually finish what you started,” says Willie Greer, founder of The Product Analyst.


3. Time-block important deadlines, and treat them like meetings. This gives you a distinct time period in which to complete a task.


4. Get an accountability buddy. Ask a friend or co-worker to gently pressure you into completing a task (and return the favor!)


5. If you’re procrastinating on making a decision, limit the time you review options. It’s always good to understand options, but over-reviewing each option can itself be a form of procrastination.

Now go forth and get sh** done!

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