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Look: 6 new images of Starfield's futuristic cities

The future is looking brighter already.

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Bethesda Game Studios

Bethesda Game Studios

Starfield developer Bethesda released three new developer videos in August 2021 narrated by design director Emil Pagliarulo.

Bethesda Game Studios

They introduce us to concept art for 3 locations in Starfield: Neon, New Atlantis, and Akila.


Neon is a pleasure island built on an aquatic world where settlers discovered a species of fish with psychotropic properties.

Bethesda Game Studios
Bethesda Game Studios

Bethesda Game Studios

“That drug is Aurora and is legal only on Neon. People come from all over to experience it and everything else Neon has to offer.”

New Atlantis

New Atlantis is the capital of the United Colonies, the most powerful faction in the universe of Starfield.

Bethesda Game Studios
Bethesda Game Studios

“The city is a true melting pot, and its residents come from every race, creed, and ethnicity ... New Atlantis is a true reflection of the future of our world.”

Bethesda Game Studios

Akila is a walled city and the capital of the Freestar Collective, a confederation of star systems that believe in personal freedoms.

Bethesda Game Studios
Bethesda Game Studios

Bethesda Game Studios

“The city itself is home to a wide variety of people, but they all have one thing in common: they believe in the sanctity of personal freedom and individuality.”

Bethesda Game Studios

Starfield will be released for PC and Xbox Series X on November 11, 2022.