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Undiscovered animals could be hiding in these 4 Earth locations

A new map reveals there is a potential treasure trove of animals awaiting discovery.

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Life on Earth is more diverse than we can possibly imagine — and an ambitious project led by a team of Yale researchers brings us one step closer to finding hidden wildlife.

Yale - Map of Life

Following up on their earlier ‘Map of Life’ project tracking known animal species, the researchers have now created a map of undiscovered species on Earth.

The findings, published in a color-coded map here and a March study in the journal Nature Ecology & Evolution, identify the lands where undiscovered vertebrates are most likely to be hidden from human eyes.

Yale - Map of Life

Walter Jetz is the study’s lead researcher and a professor of ecology at Yale. He says the findings are “mind-blowing.”

“Earth still holds many biological secrets,” he adds.

The map can also help scientists race to protect endangered species.

Our maps of discovery hotspots can provide critical guidance for winning the race to discover species before they go extinct.”
Here are the top 4 places where undiscovered life will most likely be found on Earth...

And the animals you are most likely to find there.

1. Amphibians in southern Asia and South America

Amphibians — especially frogs — are likely to be the most common new species discovered in tropical countries.

Francesco Riccardo Iacomino/Moment/Getty Images

In fact, about 38 percent of new animal discoveries will likely occur in the tropical forests of Central, South, and North America, according to the researchers.

2. Mammals in Madagascar

Although new mammal discoveries are less likely than new amphibians, if we do find new mammals, they’ll probably be in biodiversity hotspots like Madagascar.

3. Reptiles in Iran, Australia, and Argentina

It’s best to search for reptiles in arid regions, scientists say, keeping an eye out for iguanas and snakes in particular.

4. Birds in Peru, Colombia, Brazil, and the Philippines

We’re unlikely to find many new bird species, but if we do, they’ll be in one of these locations, the study predicts.


Other regions to watch:

Indonesia and Malaysia, where 22.7 percent of new species discoveries will occur.

Tropical regions in Africa, where 16.9 percent of new species discoveries will likely occur.

Finding undiscovered life in Europe and the U.S. is unlikely, but there’s a slim chance scientists could discover new mammals in Sardinia and reptiles in Spain.

But we could find new amphibians in the southeastern U.S., reptiles in the American Southwest, and even mammals on the U.S.-Mexico border.

The study also singles out geckos, iguanas, and snakes as the vertebrate animals most likely to be discovered in the future.


Species with bigger bodies, more expansive habitat ranges, which live in colder climates, and reside in areas with lower human density have higher chances of being discovered today.


Ultimately, Mario R. Moura, a co-author on the study and researcher at Yale’s Jetz Lab, says that scientists can use the map to identify discovery hotspots, which in turn can help ecologists “prioritize to save the most of planet's biodiversity.”

Read more animal stories here.