
Top 5 snake myths debunked by science

Brought to you by Banana, the corn snake.

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Content Warning: This post is full of snake pictures and videos!

My name is JoAnna, and this is my corn snake, Banana (yes, I know.)

Some people don't like snakes, and that's fine! But Banana and I can help by debunking the most prominent snake myths.

Myth: Snakes are cold and/or slimy

Snakes are very smooth, not slimy. They’re cold-blooded which means they regulate their body temperatures based on their environment. A snake will feel warm when it’s in a warm environment.

Myth: All snakes are venomous

Only about 20 percent of the nearly 4,000 known snake species are venomous. Banana the corn snake and other popular pet snakes like king snakes, milk snakes, or boas are all not venomous.

Myth: Snakes are all tail

Though snakes look like just a head and tail, snakes do have a “body,” that’s made up of a kind of vertebrae that’s different from their tail vertebrae.

Myth: Snakes are aggressive

Snakes are not inherently aggressive. Like any wild animal, they will defend themselves if they feel threatened. If you’re handling a pet snake, just be slow and careful with your movements!

Myth: Baby venomous snakes are more deadly than adults

There's a myth that baby venomous snakes are more deadly because they can't "regulate" venom. There's no evidence to support this, and in fact scientists aren't even sure how adult venomous snakes control their venom.

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