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Perseid meteor shower: 4 astronomical events you can't miss in August

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There’s always something interesting happening in the night sky, though August will be a particularly big month for stargazers.

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This month, a Supermoon and Saturn will be visible without a telescope.

Plus, the Perseid meteor shower will make a comeback.

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Here are 4 astronomical events you don’t want to miss in August:

4. Supermoon

Starting in the evening on August 11 and spanning the early morning hours of August 12, you can catch a glimpse of a slightly bigger Moon in the sky.

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It will be the last supermoon of 2022.

The next one will rise in August 2023.

3. Perseid Meteor Shower

The annual Perseid meteor shower is a favorite for skywatchers. But since its peak on August 11 also falls on the night of the Supermoon, it will be tough to see.

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You can still catch a glimpse of the Perseids now until September 1st.

Just keep an eye out for shooting stars.

2. Saturn at Opposition — August 14

The ringed planet will appear in the sky just after sunset, and will be visible in that area until January 2023.

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Even if you don’t have a telescope, you should still be able to spot Saturn as a bright dot in the eastern sky.

Through a pair of binoculars, it should appear as an oval-shaped disc around the time of opposition, according to EarthSky.

1. Constellation Cygnus

Cygnus the swan can be seen year-round, but it’s best observed in August and September as it rises high in the eastern sky this time of year.

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Cygnus is anchored by two bright stars, Albireo and Deneb. Look for a cross-like shape and two wings that branch out.
