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5 reasons to be optimistic about a coronavirus vaccine



Around the world, health and scientific agencies are racing to develop and test a vaccine against the novel coronavirus behind the Covid-19 pandemic.


Millions of lives may be at stake, and infectious-disease specialist William Petri writes there are reasons to be hopeful.

Here are 5 reasons to be optimistic about a vaccine.


1. Our bodies are good at fighting the virus. In some 99% of Covid-19 cases, our body’s immune system successfully fights off the virus on its own. This makes creating a vaccine more straightforward.


2. We know how to fight the virus. After months of intense research, scientists understand the way our antibodies attack the virus’ spike-shaped proteins to block the virus from entering our cells.


3. Scientists have identified multiple weak spots on the spike protein, which will help them develop a vaccine to neutralize it.


4. Multiple vaccines are being developed around the world. There are currently 36 vaccines in various stages of testing.


5. Phase 3 trials are already in process. Nine of the 36 vaccine candidates are in Phase 3 clinical trials, which means doctors are administering either the vaccine or a placebo to thousands of people to study the vaccine’s effectiveness and possible side effects.


Read more reasons to be optimistic about a Covid-19 vaccine here.