
Virgin Galactic's space cabin pictured

Virgin Galactic wants to send tourists into space using its incredible SpaceshipTwo vehicle. Here's what the inside looks like.

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The cabin measures 90 inches in diameter and 12 feet long, with six passenger seats tailored to each individual astronaut. Inside, there are 17 windows to observe the view.

Passengers will experience several minutes of zero-gravity flight during their flight in SpaceshipTwo. They will be let out of their seats before returning for the journey home. The entire flight is expected to last around two hours.

Sixteen cabin cameras alongside cameras in the cockpit and exterior will produce high definition movies of the flight. A giant circular mirror at the rear of the craft will allow passengers to see themselves during the flight.

Virgin Galactic

Virgin Galactic tells Inverse that "each Halo (the surround of the windows) houses the cabin lighting and a camera for that essential 'selfie' with planet Earth."

Virgin Galactic seat rear.

Each seat houses a rear display. This offers details like flight time and current g-force.

Astronauts will undertake a three-day training program before launching on the fourth day.

Richard Branson, the founder of the Virgin Group, is expected to take a seat on the first commercial flight.

Virgin Galactic is currently working to secure its license with the Federal Aviation Authority, which will clear the way for the first flights to take off.