
Epic Avengers fan art reveals why Endgame is so special

A unique way of comparing Marvel's biggest movies reveals something surprising.

There's no shortage of Marvel fanart, but Reddit user tyty51404 is doing something different.

u/tyty51404 takes every single frame of a movie and turns them into psycedelic "disks." Here's how they do it:

“I use a free tool called Movie BarCode, which gives me a horizontal version of all the movie frames. I put those into Adobe Photoshop in order to convert it into a circle, so it looks like a vinyl recording.”

Now, let's take a closer look...

Avengers (2012)
Age of Ultron
Infinity War

What does it mean? Maybe nothing. Or maybe, this is proof that Avengers: Endgame's time-hopping story makes it the most dynamic Avengers movie of them all.