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Tips for starting your backyard astronomy hobby



If you’re looking for a new hobby or want to give your kids things to do, try out backyard astronomy.


Here are some tips to get you started on cosmic adventures.


Step outside and look up. This will depend on the light pollution conditions of your area, but even in cities on a clear night you can see a few stars and perhaps even a planet. Websites like Sky and Telescope offer tips on what’s in the sky every night.


Online resources abound for finding constellations, planets, and even the International Space Station. There are also resources to help you find less light-polluted areas, if you have access to a car.


Binoculars can help you see closer. If you have a pair lying around, or need to buy a new pair (which can range from $35-$200), train them on objects you see in the sky — especially the Moon.


If you have the money, invest in a telescope and use sky maps to help you peer at celestial objects.

Read more about backyard astronomy here.