
We promise this black hole quiz won't be a time-suck



What is the name of the supermassive black hole at the center of the Milky Way?

A. Andromeda

B. Sagittarius A*

C. Oculus Rift

D. Nimbus III


B.The supermassive black hole at the center of the Milky Way is called Sagittarius A* (pronounced A-star).


Why is the supermassive black hole called Sagittarius A*?

A. From Earth's perspective, the supermassive black hole is in the Sagittarius constellation

B. It was discovered in December

C. It shoots out radio waves, like the Sagittarius hunter

D. Its discoverer was a Sagittarius


A. From Earth's perspective, the supermassive black hole is in the Sagittarius constellation


How big is the Milky Way’s central supermassive black hole, in masses of the Sun?

A. 4 million

B. 10 million

C. 20 million

D. 1 million


C. Sagittarius A* is 4 million times the mass of the Sun.

Baac3nes/Moment/Getty Images

How far away is Sagittarius A*?

A. 6,000 light years

B. 100,000 light years

C. 1 light year

D. 25,000 light years

Baac3nes/Moment/Getty Images

D. Sagittarius A* is 25,000 light years away from Earth.

Liyao Xie/Moment/Getty Images

Starting in 2005, astronomers started observing strange objects orbiting Sagittarius A*. What do astronomers currently think these objects are?

A. Ripped apart planets

B. Smaller black holes

C. Merged binary star systems

D. Supernovae

Liyao Xie/Moment/Getty Images

C. Astronomers think that the 6 objects they found between 2005-2020 are binary star systems that merged from the gravitational pull of the supermassive black hole.

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