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10 stunning images of a total solar eclipse

The next total solar eclipse is just days away.

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On December 14, the Moon will be positioned right between the Sun and the Earth, casting the Sun into shadow and momentarily extinguishing daylight here on Earth.

This total solar eclipse will be visible from South America — particularly Chile and Argentina — and from South Africa and Antarctica.

Edwin Remsberg/The Image Bank/Getty Images

If you can't view the upcoming eclipse, don't worry. We're here to help you avoid FOMO.

Here are ten stunning images of total solar eclipses


On August 21, 2017, employees at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory stepped outside to witness the total solar eclipse in all its glory.

Barcroft Media/Barcroft Media/Getty Images

During a solar eclipse, the Sun appears as a ring of light hidden behind the shadow of the Moon.

This composite image shows how the Sun becomes shadowed by the Moon during a total solar eclipse.

Getty Images

A sequence of the 2017 solar eclipse as seen above NASA's Wallops Flight Facility in Virginia.


A view of the 2017 total solar eclipse from the International Space Station, showing the Moon's shadow cast over Earth.


The Sun hides behind the Moon, draping the Earth in momentary darkness during the lunar transit.


NurPhoto/NurPhoto/Getty Images

A view of the total solar eclipse that took place on June 21, 2020, and was seen from Central Africa, the Southern Arabian Peninsula, Pakistan, Northern India, and South Central China.

A view of the 2017 solar eclipse above Madras, Oregon.


A partial eclipse was visible from Dubai earlier this year. Here it can be seen glimmering behind the shadow of the city's famous skyscraper, Burj Khalifa.

A composite image showing the progression of a solar eclipse over Ross Lake, in Northern Cascades National Park, Washington on Monday, August 21, 2017.

Pablo Jeffs Munizaga - Fototrekking/Moment/Getty Images