As a teen I would make short films with my best friend Cory using his mom's VHS-C camcorder and then transfer the recordings into Adobe Premiere Pro 1.5 so I could edit everything into a video. Later on I got connected to a very small independent film festival in San Antonio and that's where I started connecting with other creatives and really developing my skills. I made the decision to focus on video production around the time I was deciding whether I would go to college or not. I ended up making the decision to skip college and so far it's been one of the best decisions of my career.
The phrase “desktop organizer” typically doesn't bring up an immediate visual of anything that one would describe as “clean,” “sleek,” or “modern,” but Gather by Ugmonk is an exception. It's a beautifully designed desk organizer that is built in a modular fashion so you can customize it for your own organizing needs.
If I'm doing a photo or video shoot outside I need to know where the sun will be at different times of the day so I can plan my shots for optimal light. Sure, I could spend an entire day at a location but that's time consuming and the position of the sun changes every day. With the Sun Seeker iPhone app I can use AR to find out where the sun will be at any given time or day of the year.
I was a longtime user of Lightroom until I started doing more tethered photo shoots and had to edit thousands of images from a single shoot. Capture One solved all the frustrations I had with Lightroom. There's a slight learning curve if you're used to the Lightroom workflow but the speed and versatility makes it worth the price.
I use the Tether Tools tether cable on almost every photo shoot. It allows me to download photos immediately after I take them so I can review images, check focus, apply color looks, and “favorite” images during the shoot. I recommend purchasing the tether cable with a TetherBlock which keeps the cable from disconnecting during a shoot.
The one electronic device I carry as frequently as my laptop and iPhone is the Anker PowerCore. It's the only way I can keep my iPhone battery above 10% while traveling, on shoots, or on that rare flight where the airplane is too old to have built-in USB chargers or electrical plugs. You can plug in anything that uses a regular USB cable, like the AirPods case.
I used to think that people were overhyping the Peak Design Everyday backpack until I bought one for myself. It's my favorite backpack I've ever owned. The design is sleek and modern but it doesn't sacrifice any functionality. I especially love the multi-level sections inside the backpack that can be quickly accessed via side zipper pockets.
I use Bose QuietComfort 35 II's almost every day. I'm a big fan of Airpods but a lot of the time I want to block out all the noise around me and the QuietComfort 35 II's are perfect for that. Sometimes I won't even listen to sound, I just turn on the noise canceling so that I can better focus in noisy environments.