
Relive the joy of retro arcades through this Lego mini-machines shop

Welcome to the world of custom Lego arcade machines, where "tiny" and "awesome" combine to recreate the magic of classic games.

The Brick Show Shop, a popular seller on eBay, is offering minifig-scale arcade machines custom made with Lego sets.

The Brick Show Shop

The Brick Show Shop

Working around license woes

To avoid any sort of licensing debacles, the shop has given retro games its own spin. For example, if you love Ms. Pac Man, you'll notice a Ms. Dot Man. Clever.

The Brick Show Shop

The Brick Show Shop

These spins on the arcade titles shouldn't discourage anyone from buying the little brick masterpieces. Piece by piece, you could build your very own mini-arcade (emphasis on mini).

The Brick Show Shop

The Brick Show Shop

Let's talk money

Affordability seals the deal for the Brick Show Shop. Mini Lego arcade machines range between $7.99 to $14.99.

The Brick Show Shop

The Brick Show Shop

The Brick Show Shop

Hurry on over

Some of these arcade machines are selling like hot cakes. If you're an arcade geek, it's worth checking these custom beauties soon.

The Brick Show Shop

P.S. Even if you don't get to grab a mini-arcade machine, you can still check out other treats in The Brick Show Shop. Like this absolutely perfect piranha plant from Super Mario Bros.

The Brick Show Shop