
7 strategies for creating the ideal city of the future

From quantum level to walking paths, here are the ways cities can grow.

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Cities are in trouble.

Between growing populations, economic stratification, and Covid-19, what will it take for them to thrive again? Here are some ideas.

Hospitals, banks, and schools.

Everyone needs them, yet they're not distributed equally.

A new analysis of American cities shows that there's room for improvement in making sure people in traditionally poorer areas have access to cities, and lays out a roadmap for redistribution.

A quantum network

Systems we'd want to be sophisticated, like hospital records, can fall victim to hackers demanding bitcoin. Physics proves a quantum network is unhackable. New research has shown promise for extending a quantum network throughout an entire city.

Blue space

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The forgotten cousin to much-needed green space, blue spaces can provide a crucial mental health respite, especially on a hot summer's day.

Universal basic income

An idea that first popped up on many people's radar in the 2020 primaries took on new life in the global Covid-19 pandemic. Cities could step up and provide a crucial lifeline to people. The British city of Sheffield has been trying out UBI since 2019, and support is growing.

Clean energy

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Electricity demands will rise drastically by 2040. In 2016, air pollution was linked to more than 225,000 deaths. Clean energy like wind, solar, or even nuclear or water evaporation could help on both fronts.

Improved infrastructure

Focusing on infrastructure that includes crosswalks, overpasses, sidewalks, and bike lanes or paths, according to the Department of Energy, could radically help people move around, stay fit, and keep pollution down. It's not a solution that will fix everything, but it could be a big help.

Passive homes

Airtight homes using nature for cooling. Passive homes could provide relief for rising populations. They've worked everywhere from Fairbanks to Miami, so they could work where you live too.

Learn more about the future of cities here.