
4 wild glow-ups from the Halo Infinite campaign trailer

The campaign of Microsoft’s biggest exclusive of the year is looking much better than before.



Microsoft showed off Halo Infinite’s campaign for the first time in July 2020. It received a lot of criticism for its lackluster visuals.


A new trailer released on October 25, 2021, showcases the campaign, and major improvements can be seen in 4 key areas.

4. Zeta Halo

In the July 2020 demo, the Zeta Halo looked large and engrossing, but the lighting and textures were underwhelming.



This campaign overview trailer kicks off with a montage highlighting how the lighting has improved, and Halo Infinite is much better off for it.

3. Combat

The campaign reveal’s battles lacked the spectacle the series is known for.



But this action-packed new trailer makes Halo look more bombastic than ever.

2. Escharum

Escharum, the main villain of Halo Infinite, looked oddly smooth and low-detailed during his extended monologue from the July 2021 trailer.



He appears in a post-title card stinger of the new trailer and looks much more threatening than before. A Halo Community Manager, however, does say that this image is pre-rendered.


“Just to clear up confusion and set expectations, the Escharum [at the end of the trailer] is not in-engine. Keep your eyes peeled for more on both.”

1. Craig

This image of a Brute, which the internet named Craig, was the face of Halo Infinite’s graphical problems.



Craig’s redesign adds more detail, including a beard. Brutes will even wear armor in some cases.


Craig’s glow-up shows that 343 Industries has listened to fans’ feedback and brought the game up to a standard worthy of the franchise.


Halo Infinite will be released for PC, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X|S on December 8, 2021.