Gamer Drip

Now’s your chance to own Queen Elizabeth II’s 24K gold Wii

And it's just $300,000 (plus shipping).

A gold Nintendo Wii made for Queen Elizabeth II. Games. Gaming. Consoles. Retro games. Video games.

If you’ve ever had the urge to own an over-the-top luxurious Nintendo Wii, your time has finally come.

A gold-plated Wii console originally created for Queen Elizabeth II is being sold on eBay. Yes, you read that correctly.


Here it is in all its 24K gold glory.

The luxurious Wii was created specifically for Queen Elizabeth II as part of a promo for THQ’s Big Family Games, of all things. No one seems to know why.


The asking price. (A bargain, really.)


It’s unlikely the Queen ever actually received the golden Wii.

Donny Fillerup, the collector behind, ended up with it instead. Now he’s moving on — he’s hoping the Wii’s sale will help him buy a house.

Danny Fillerup says the Wii is in perfect working condition. It even comes with a gold Wii-mote.