Say what now?

People said a lot of dumb stuff this week (but not Grimes' mom)

This week in quotes: Joe Biden making a fool of himself, Trump being Trump, Grimes' mom bashing Elon Musk, and Ice Cube's beef with... Mr. Rogers?

We promise these won't all be Elon Musk.

There's a whole other post for that. But we might as well just get this one out of the way...


“Look, you can either say things that are not controversial at all, and then you're boring, and nobody cares. Some of the things I say, I would like to retract them. It's not like I stand by all the tweets I've ever done. Some of them were definitely extremely dumb.”

Elon Musk


Moving on...


“If you have a problem figuring out whether you are for me or Trump, then you ain't black.”

Joe Biden, former VP of the United States, current Democratic front runner


“I'm thinking about going. That'll be next week, to the [SpaceX] rocket launch. I hope you're all going to join me. I'd like to put you all [reporters] on the rocket and get rid of you for a while.”

President Trump

Handout/Getty Images News/Getty Images

“Some people think that I follow Q[Anon] like I follow Jesus. Q is the information and I stand with the information resource.”

Republican Senate nominee Jo Rae Perkins

Scott Olson/Getty Images News/Getty Images

“Internet web browsing and search history information comprise data that forms the building blocks for national security investigations.”

Leaked Senate talking points obtained by Gizmodo.

Yikes, that last one is actually kind of worrying.

Here's some more context on that issue. Let's get back to the laughs.


“Because of this song, Mr. Rogers sued us.”

Ice Cube

Deborah Feingold/Corbis Entertainment/Getty Images

And of course, our favorite moment of the past week...


“If your partner went through a challenging pregnancy and childbirth in the last two weeks... and you were over 16 years old, would you be blaring MRA bullshit on Twitter right now?”

Sandy Garossino... a.k.a. Grimes' mom


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