
These VR experiences will delight and enrage you

Daniel Beauchamp is creating something special: virtual reality experiences that will either frustrate or delight.

Meet Daniel Beauchamp.

Daniel is the Toronto-based head of augmented and virtual reality for e-commerce company Shopify.

Daniel also makes what he refers to as "random experiments" and posts them to his Twitter account "pushmatrix."

Experiments like these...

...or this

This one could come in handy...

Perhaps your hand would be handy here...

Beauchamp shares the results via his Twitter page, where they receive thousands of retweets.


Not everyone is a fan...

But for Beauchamp, these experiments are a great way to learn about an emerging and exciting technology.

"My biggest advice for #XRJobs is to start by playing around with many small ideas. Too often people think they need to commit to making a full game or product. You’ll lose motivation that way and learn not as much as you think," Beauchamp wrote on his Twitter page.

"Don’t be afraid of silly ideas! The standards of XR design and interaction may seem like they are solidifying but they aren’t yet. Explore, experiment, and have fun! Now is the time to be a mad scientist."

Just remember to clean up after yourself!