
Fiido's electric Beast scooter lets you ride sitting or standing


The top speed of the Fiido Beast

Fiido put its first electric scooter up for sale on Indiegogo. The aptly named Beast electric scooter can hit top speeds of 30 mph and can be configured for either standing or sitting. It’s also equipped for off-roading which makes all this safety gear make sense.

Fiido / Indiegogo
How to reconfigure the Fiido Beast.Fiido / Indiegogo

The 1300W dual-drive motor is responsible for the Fiido Beast’s max speed of 30 mph, though the Beast is by no means the fastest electric scooter out there. The Apollo Ghost, for example, hits a top speed of 34 mph, and the Extreme S1-X that was designed for racing and has a top speed of 62 mph. That said, the Fiido scooter still has some real power built into it.

Fiido / Indiegogo

Large-capacity battery

The Fiido Beast uses a 1536Wh battery that has a range of up to 62 miles in single-drive mode or up to 43.5 miles in dual-drive mode. The modular battery can be charged while attached to the scooter or by removing it entirely.

11-inch all-terrain tires

Looking at the tires and its six-inch ground clearance, the Fiido Beast looks like it was made for off-roading. The electric scooter also includes a dual suspension system with two springs in the front and back that offer a smoother ride. You can even switch between three gear modes: off-road, sport, and green.

Fiido / Indiegogo

It may be Fiido’s first electric scooter, but they’ve had plenty of experience with electric folding bikes. Their lineup includes four different series of e-bikes to accommodate different types of riders.


The Fiido Beast is being crowdfunded on Indiegogo for around $1,600 at its super early bird tier. The only other option is to buy two scooters for $3,100. But, even if you miss the Indiegogo campaign, Fiido said they will be putting the Beast up for sale on its own website once the campaign ends on April 17.

Fiido / Indiegogo

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