
Watch GTA V get played on an original Game Boy like no one intended

GTA meets GB with this incredibly complicated game mod.

There Oughta Be

Loading games onto devices that aren’t intended to play said game is a modding right of passage. Take, for example, the oodles of Doom ports that exist on everything from calculators to pregnancy tests.

On that spectrum of things that get hacked to play different things, however, there are still levels, and I think we may now have discovered an example in the elusive God Tier.

Here’s Grand Theft Auto V on an original Game Boy.

There Oughta Be

This incredible feat is the product of YouTuber and coder, Sebastian Staacks, who runs a channel called “There Oughta Be.” The mod couples together some new tricks with one of the coder’s previous creations: A full-on Wi-Fi Game Boy cartridge.

There Oughta Be

First, to clarify, the hack doesn’t run GTA V on a Game Boy, it streams video of the game to the handheld from a PlayStation, which is actually doing the heavy computational lifting. The information, thanks to some pretty nifty coding, is then rendered on-screen using the Game Boy’s original, Matrix-like, display.

There Oughta Be

Impressively, the hack is able to convert video fast enough so that the game can be played in full resolution at 20 fps on a Game Boy that, outside of the special Wi-Fi cartridge, hasn’t been modified at all.

There Oughta Be

While obviously impractical, There Oughta Be’s hack is still pretty fascinating from a technical perspective. It’s obviously no Steam Deck, but then again, what really is?

There Oughta Be

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