Okay, so this gold-trimmed Tesla may not directly be your fault, gold-lovers, but it is certainly the fault of Caviar, an absolutely cursed brand that makes supposed “luxury” products like these gold Airpods Max, or this gold phone, or this gold PlayStation 5, or this gold — actually, you get the point.
“Imagine yourself driving this car: A respectable high-quality oil-colored body and a dazzling glow of gold. You are not just driving the car of the future. This is a new word in luxury car modding. If you think that they will turn after you and look with an admiring glance, you are not mistaken. That is exactly what the Caviar Model Excellence 24K is made for.”
Yes, the people, who (pathetically) drive to their jobs in a not-gold car will stop, stare, and think: maybe one day with enough generational wealth, an almost brazen deficit of self-awareness, and a sheer and utter lack of class, I too could own this overpriced luxury vehicle. Sadly, they will be right.
“We are confident that the synthesis of high technology and luxurious materials is exactly what you need. It's not just a car. It is the quintessence of sophistication, luxury and self-confidence. Dare to walk such a beast along the main streets of the city? Be careful, you can dazzle those around you with your splendor.”