
5 reasons to be super amped for Super Nintendo World

Super Nintendo World is just as amazing as it sounds.

The grand opening of Japan's inane-looking Mario theme park, Super Nintendo World, might be delayed due to reasons you can probably guess, but that doesn't make the anticipation any less palpable.

Universal Studios Japan

After all, this is the first ever theme park dedicated to recreating the beloved Mario universe, and as such, it looks like it will have a lot to offer.


Here are five things about Super Nintendo World that have us pumped.

The Food

No theme park would be complete without some over-the-top food and beverage, which in this case means loads of Mario-themed deserts, lunches, and drinks, such as...

This Kora calzone filled with Yakisoba and cheese.

Universal Studios Japan

These Yoshi-themed Lassis that come in Melon and Mango flavors.

Universal Studios Japan

A Hatena Block Tiramisu with contains a surprise item inside.

Universal Studios Japan

Also, this very on-theme Super Mushroom Pizza Bowl.

Universal Studios Japan


One of the most interesting aspects of Super Nintendo World will be the inclusion of these "Power Bands" that allow attendees to interact with different objects throughout the park to earn points which we presume can be used as currency elsewhere in the park.

You can choose which character you want your Power Up Band to represent.

Universal Studios Japan

The band, which is paired with a free app, can be used to interact in any number of ways, including being tapped on Question Mark Blocks or to solve various puzzles throughout the park. It does, however, come at an addition $32 cost, which is pretty steep even if it can be re-used during another visit. This is still a theme park after all.

Universal Studios Japan

Bowser's Castle

Super Nintendo world wouldn't be complete without Bowser's Castle, which has been pretty faithfully recreated as evidenced by a recent walkthrough of the park.

Tremble in fear, or excitement, your call really.

Universal Studios Japan

Mario Kart

If you're a fan of Mario Kart, Bowser's Castle gets even better with the addition of this Mario Kart themed ride and augmented reality game. Riders will wear a Maro cap-shaped AR headset and compete against other riders. The specifics or the ride are still a mystery, but reports suggest it is still on rails despite the existence of steerings wheels inside the carts.

Universal Studios Japan

Giddy up.

Universal Studios Japan
Universal Studios Japan

Yoshi's Adventure

In addition to Mario Kart, the park will also feature Yoshi's Adventure which is still pretty mysterious. The ride is described on the park's website in fairly interesting terms...

"Ride on Yoshi's back and follow Captain Kinopio on a treasure hunt adventure! Look at the mushroom kingdom from Mount Beanpole, meet those cute girls, and have a lot of fun!"

Universal Studios Japan

Yoshi's Adventure definitely sounds like it's geared more toward children, but I'll be damned if I'm going to let that stop me from giving this a whirl – especially with $75 admission.

Universal Studios Japan

On one hand, it's a bummer to know Super Nintendo World won't be available to us in the short term (Osaka, where the park is located is currently under strict lockdown measures), but on the other it's good to know we'll have something this rad to look forward to once things are normal.

Until then you can peep this virtual walkthrough ad nauseam.

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